Omega 3 acids – in capsules or in liquid form? Which form of omega 3 acids is the best?

omega 3 acids in capsulesOmega 3 acids are very popular supplements. They are used by adults – in which case their main purpose is to support physical and mental exertion, as well as strengthen the heart. Omega 3 is also a supplement that is often used with children – in most cases to enhance the immunity processes. In reality, omega 3 acids are an incredibly universal health-promoting supplement that supports fetal development, and then conditions the proper growth and development of the child. For adults and elders, omega acids constitute valuable support for the functioning of heart and brain while also being a key element in preventing many diseases of affluence.

Due to the comprehensive use of omega 3 acid supplements, the supplement market is full of preparations that contain these valuable unsaturated fatty acids. One has to know, though, how to find a truly valuable preparation with omega 3 acids. The selection criteria are not only the doses of omega 3 acids, but also the quality of the fish oil used, as well as presence of synthetic additives. How to choose the best omega 3 acids, then?

Omega 3 acids – who should supplement them?

Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids are one of the most valuable elements of the diet – at the same time, their deficiencies are not rare. Whereas the diet doesn’t lack products that are full of unsaturated fatty acids – they are not always consumed in the right quantities, however. We’re especially talking about oily saltwater fish and unrefined plant oil. These products are not among the cheapest, plus not everyone likes the taste of fish – and their consumption is further limited by heavy metal contamination of the fish.

Omega 3 acids can also be found in nuts or avocado. At the same time, plenty of these products also contain omega 6 acids. These unsaturated fatty acids are also needed by our body – but excessive consumption of omega 6 acids combined with limited consumption of omega 3 acids contributes to development of chronic inflammations and other disorders. Which is what makes it necessary to take care of high supply of omega 3 acids in the diet. Omega 3 acids can be supplemented by nearly everyone.

Particular indications for taking omega 3 are:

– being diagnosed with a cardiovascular system disorder
– family history of circulatory diseases
– hypercholesterolemia
– being overweight or obese
– rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune illnesses
– allergies or asthma
– skin disorders (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema)
– preventing anti – aging
– impaired vision
– intense physical activity
– white-collar job
– enhancing immunity
– the growth and development period in children
– old age

As can be seen, omega 3 acids are one of the most comprehensive supplements. We already know why take omega 3 acids. Now is the time to learn how to choose a supplement of the top quality. Will omega 3 acids in capsules be better? Or maybe omega 3 acids in liquid form will work better?

What dose of omega 3 will be the best?

The daily need for omega 3 acids is about 1500 – 2000 mg. In most cases we are able to get that much of omega acids from the everyday diet. The proportion between the omega 6 and omega 3 acids also leaves much to be desired – in a traditional diet it can be as high as 15:1, whereas the correct omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is 2:1 – 4:1. In order to provide the right supply of these valuable fatty acids as well as the health-promoting omega 6 to omega 3 ratio – all it takes in most cases is to supplement omega 3 acids at a dose of about 1000 mg. We shouldn’t worry in such case about taking too much omega 3 – especially since no maximum dosage has been determined for omega 3 acids.

When choosing a supplement, our eyes usually catch the info on the packaging – 1000 mg, 2000 mg. We should carefully look up, however, if these figures relate to the fish oil content, or just the omega 3 fatty acid content – it’s a crucial difference. Sometimes the omega 3 acid content in a capsule is minimal – which might be a result of high content of synthetic additives, including preservatives. We should also check the content of the two key omega 3 acids – DHA and EPA.

The purity of fish oil – the decisive impact on quality of omega 3 acids

Fish oil used in omega 3 acid supplements should be the oil of the top quality. What matters is the fish species it was obtained from – the most suitable are sardines, salmons and mackerels. The oil should also be purified from contaminations, especially heavy metals. Which makes the omega 3 acid supplement production process crucial here. It is the best when omega acids are obtained through the molecular distillation method, and the technological procedures comply with the HACCP, GHP and GMP standards.

Omega 3 acids in capsules or fish oil?

Omega 3 acids can be purchased in form of capsules as well as in liquid form. Omega 3 acids in liquid form are pretty much fish oil. It is considered to be a well-absorbed form of omega 3 acids, which also stands out with its natural vitamin D content. Upon contact with air, however, fish oil goes bad very fast, which means it needs antioxidants added. It is often the synthetic form of vitamin A and E – which might not be neutral for health. Fish oil requires special storing conditions – in a cool and dark place, preferably in a fridge. This form of omega 3 acids is easy to administer to children who still may have problem with swallowing pills. It might pose some problems, however, to measure the precise dose of omega 3 acids.

The advantage of omega 3 acid capsules over fish oil mostly arises from their higher durability. If these are high-quality capsules – they don’t contain any synthetic additives, which means their composition is only limited to fish oil. The capsules can be taken anywhere, are easy to swallow and provide a closely measured dose of omega 3 acids. On top of that, when swallowing pill we don’t have to deal with the characteristic fishy aftertaste that is present when consuming fish oil.

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