Omega 3 – these healthy fats prevent atherosclerosis

Omega 3 prevent atherosclerosisFor many years, fat consumption was associated with increased risk of getting atherosclerosis or other circulatory diseases. Now it turns out, however, that fat consumption is essential for maintaining health – and we’re talking about both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Fats – as long as they’re not processed trans fats – regulate functioning of the hormonal and immune system, support functioning of heart and blood vessels, strengthen bones and joints as well as regulate functioning of the nervous system. The ones especially important for health are the omega 3 fatty acids.

Atherosclerosis – a 21th century disease of affluence

Atherosclerosis is one of the most diagnosed diseases that affect people of increasingly young age.

The main risk factors for developing atherosclerosis are:

– smoking
– being overweight or obese
– consuming too much of carbohydrates and trans fats
– high blood cholesterol level
– hypertension
– high homocysteine level

The development of atherosclerosis is slow and sneaky – first there are so-called atherosclerotic plaques growing on the walls of blood vessels, and once they pop – there are clots forming on their surfaces. They tighten the vessels and block the blood flow to important organs – which might lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

Omega 3 fats might prevent development of atherosclerosis. They have anti-inflammatory properties, which allows them to minimize creation of the atherosclerotic plaques and prevent creation of clots. They ensure elasticity of blood vessel walls, which allows them to normalize the blood pressure. On top of that, omega 3 have a positive impact on the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in blood, and regulate functioning of the heart. They also support functioning of the brain, ensure the body’s immunity, and regulate the hormonal balance.

How to take care of the heart?

If you want to limit the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, minimize the risk of the coronary heart disease or a heart attack – it is necessary to develop several healthy habits. Start by getting rid of the excess weight, be active regularly – just about a dozen of minutes of moderate physical activity a day can strengthen the heart. Avoid stress, make sure to get enough sleep.

Change your diet to a healthier one:

– avoid sugar and trans fats, the most of which is in chips, fast food or fried dishes
– eat a lot of fiber
– add vegetables to every meal, as they contain valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
– eat food that is as unprocessed as possible
supplement vitamin D3+K2, magnesium and omega 3 acids

If you take care of preventing heart diseases soon enough – it is very likely that you will avoid serious illnesses and enjoy much better health for a long time.

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