Indications for an omega 3 acids supplementation

omega 3 acids supplementationOmega 3 acids are one of the most important health-promoting ingredients of the diet. They are essential for maintaining good health, the best proof of which is the fact that omega 3 deficiency has a negative impact on the health of the entire body. Omega 3 acids, which are the ALA, DHA and EPA acids, are essential unsaturated fatty acids, which have to be provided with the diet.

Our daily food plan, however, usually doesn’t contain enough of it, or the proportions between omega 3 and 6 acids are significantly disturbed. That’s why the most effective way to balance the diet in terms of omega 3 content is supplementation.

Omega 3 – for children and adults

Omega 3 acids are required by absolutely everyone, starting from the first days of life. As a matter of fact, right at the fetal stage our body needs omega 3 acids to be able to develop properly. Hence the need to supplement omega 3 during pregnancy. These fatty acids are also the only – besides vitamin D3 – supplement that should be taken from the day of birth. They ensure a proper development of the nervous, immune, hormonal or cardiovascular system. In school aged children omega 3 influence the abilities to learn and concentrate. Omega 3 fatty acids lower the chances of getting allergies and asthma.

In adults, omega 3 fatty acids also strengthen immunity, help maintain the right body mass, normalize the blood cholesterol and glucose level. They strengthen bones and joints, alleviate inflammations.

Omega 3 acids play a crucial role in preventing many ailments and diseases of affluence:

– atherosclerosis
– hypertension
– heart attack
– diabetes
– neurodegenerative diseases
– cancers

As we can see – the properties of omega 3 fatty acids are very versatile. Which makes it necessary to provide the right amounts of them with the daily diet.

Omega 3 fatty acids in pills – because the diet is not enough

The minimum omega 3 requirement for an adult is about 2 g. We can’t always get such amount from the diet alone. We don’t eat enough fish, we use refined oils instead of the cold pressed ones, some of us are allergic to nuts. If our diet isn’t full of these richest sources of omega 3, and on top of that we consume too much of omega 6 and saturated fatty acids – we may feel the consequences of omega 3 deficiency. These symptoms are lowered immunity, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dry skin, allergies, problems with concentration and memory. Don’t wait until you experience them yourself – supplement omega 3 preventively.

Choose a supplement that the daily dose of which provides about 1 g of omega 3 – we’re talking about the DHA and EPA content, and not that of the fish oil in the preparation. Capsules with omega 3 acids should be free from synthetic additives. Each of us needs omega 3 – so don’t let their deficiency happen and enjoy good health at every age.

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  1. Agnieszka says:

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