The healthiest fats for heart? Omega 3!

omega 3 for heartThere were times when the healthiest diet for the heart was one with a limited consumption of fats – today we know that fats are essential for good health. Both saturated and unsaturated fats are required for proper functioning of the immune, hormonal or nervous system. Our heart also needs fats – especially unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids.

The main source of these fatty acids is considered to be fish oil. Omega 3 can also be found in plant products. Getting the minimum daily dose of omega 3 in the amount of 2 g is the best preventive treatment for heart diseases. See how many benefits you will get by consuming fish, unrefined oils, nuts and taking supplements containing omega 3.

Omega 3 – the best preventive treatment for heart diseases

The cardiovascular system’s health impacts the overall condition of the body. Bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress – they all lead to developing many cardiovascular diseases. We’re especially talking about atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as their complications – heart attack, coronary heart disease, stroke. What is the role of fats in all that? Excessive consumption of saturated trans fats contained in chips, fast food, fried food, margarine, candy – it leads to storing it in the walls of blood vessels. That’s how atherosclerosis develops.

It causes things like:

– hardening of blood vessels and development of hypertension
– smaller blood vessel cross section and oxygen deficiency in many organs
– intensified blood clotting processes, creation of life-threatening blockages and clots

How about omega 3? The activity of these fatty acids consists of limiting inflammations in the body that lie at the base of arteriosclerosis lesions. On top of that, they normalize the blood triglyceride and cholesterol level, limit the risk of heart arrhythmia and heart failure. Omega 3 ensure elasticity of blood vessels and prevent circulatory disorders.

There is a reason why groups of people who consume plenty of fish enjoy great condition and healthy heart. Omega 3 can significantly limit the risk of heart attack, they also support recovery after getting one. And how much of omega 3 is needed daily to provide such effective protection of heart?

Omega 3 supplement – the diet is not enough

The recommended daily dose of omega 3 acids is about 2 g – that’s the minimum that has to be provided with the diet or supplements. It’s an optimal amount for maintaining perfect health – but we’re not always able to get this much from the diet. The best natural source of omega 3 is fish – omega 3 is present here in the greatest amounts. But eating fish in most cases is not enough, and when opting for plant oils – in most cases we pick the refined ones. They have much less omega 3 than cold pressed oils, though. The most effective way to replenish the body’s omega 3 supply with supplements – capsules containing fish oil provide nearly 1 g of omega 3 a day and ensure perfect health.

One response to “The healthiest fats for heart? Omega 3!”

  1. Agnieszka says:

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