Supplements with omega 3 – the best nutraceuticals for a youthful look

omega 3 CheersA youthful look is a top priority for many of us – it’s not just an aesthetic issue, but also a health concern. That’s because we can’t retain a youthful look if we don’t take a comprehensive care of our health. The greatest role in preventive care and slowing down the aging processes is actually played by the diet, stress reduction and regular physical activity. One of the key ingredients of a health-promoting and rejuvenating diet are omega 3 fatty acids. How do they impact our health and look?

Omega 3 – the healthiest fats

Unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids are undoubtedly the most desirable fats in the diet. Due to their great health-promoting potential, these diet ingredients condition proper functioning of the entire body, as well as slow down the aging processes. Most of all – they prevent inflammations and neutralize harmful activity of free radicals. It results in effective preventive treatment of many diseases of affluence, as well as protects the body from the harmful influence of the environmental factors.

It prevents solar radiation, environmental pollution, synthetic ingredients of cosmetics or chemical food additives from leaving impact on our looks. Wrinkles and discolorations will not appear quite as often, the skin won’t lose its elasticity too fast.

Omega 3 impact the look of skin, nails and hair by nourishing them. What is the action of omega 3? First of all, they contribute to restoration of the protective lipid cover on the surface of the skin. That way they take care of moisturizing and protecting it. You won’t be experiencing irritations and inflammations quite as often, the skin will retain its firmness and thickness. The hair will stop falling in excess, and the nails will be strong and won’t chip. That’s the essence of the currently popular anti – aging trend; it’s about avoiding invasive beautifying procedures and effectively nourishing the skin instead. It slows down the physiological aging processes and allows to maintain impeccable health.

Omega 3 – how to compose a diet for a youthful look?

If you care about the rejuvenating and health-promoting properties – you have to take care of high omega 3 supply in the diet. At the same time it’s a good idea to limit consumption of saturated fats and omega 6 fatty acids. The latter – when consumed in higher amounts – promote inflammations, being able to have a negative impact on your health and appearance. Where to get omega 3 acids? Plant sources of these valuable fats are mostly unrefined plant oils, especially linseed or rapeseed oil, as well as avocado or nuts. Among the animal sources of omega 3, on the other hand, are saltwater fish and eggs.

In order to be sure that we’re getting a lot of omega 3 and thus balancing the supply of omega 6 acids in the diet – it’s a good idea to choose supplements. Capsules with omega 3 acids are the most effective product that on top of the miraculous impact on the skin will also help with the state of health. Omega 3 supplementation has a great influence on well-being, prevents many chronic diseases and prolongs youth. By investing in omega 3 fatty acids – you invest in your look and health that way.

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