Natural sources of omega 3 acids – where can omega 3 acids be found?

sources of omega 3 fatty acidsOmega 3 acids are unsaturated fatty acids that should be provided everyday with the diet. Due to their large health-promoting potential, each of us should make sure to get large enough amounts of omega acids. Out of all unsaturated fatty acids, it is omega 3 that is considered to be the healthiest. Their main source is diet – although most of us cannot balance their daily meal plan in a way that provides optimal doses of these valuable fats. Which makes it a good idea to find out what are the best natural sources of omega 3 and why it’s a good idea to expand the diet with supplements containing omega 3 acids.

Omega 3 acids – what compounds are these?

Omega 3 acids are a diverse group of compounds classified as unsaturated fatty acids.

The key members of this group of compounds are:

– the ALA a-Linolenic acid
– the DHA docosahexaenoic acid
– the EPA eicosapentaenoic acid

The a-Linolenic acid stands out with its very high antioxidant potential. It means that the ALA acid is perfect at protecting the body from free radicals, slowing down the aging processes and limiting development of all kinds of lesions. This fatty acid alleviates inflammations, enhances eyesight, has a great impact on memory and the ability to concentrate. It normalizes the blood glucose and lipid level, strengthens heart. It is perfect for athletes – which is thanks to the beneficial influence on the muscle and liver synthesis of glycogen and oxygen capacity of muscles.

The DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids have an even more tested and scientifically proven influence on health.

The most important health-promoting properties of these omega 3 acids are:

– normalizing the blood glucose and lipid level
– beneficial influence on functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing development of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack
– supporting the functioning of brain
– anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant action, supporting immunity
– preventing cancer
– alleviating symptoms of allergies and autoimmune diseases

It therefore turns out that omega 3 acids constitute an effective protection from development of many chronic diseases and have a beneficial influence on the physical and mental condition of the body. In order to enjoy such beneficial influence of omega 3 on health, however, one has to get adequate amounts of it.

The omega 3 acid content in the diet

The recommended consumption of unsaturated fatty acids is about a dozen grams a day – where omega 3 acids take about 1 – 2 grams. Is it possible to provide enough omega 3 acids from the diet? Where are omega 3 acids present?

The a-Linolenic acid can be provided from plant-based products. We’re talking about oils, nuts and seeds. When it comes to oils, however, one should remember that the only valuable products are cold-pressed, unrefined oils. If we choose refined oils, we won’t find much unsaturated fatty acids there. The industrial processing of oils takes away many of their valuable vitamins and minerals as well as reduces the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in favor of their saturated counterparts.

Here’s a sample ALA acid content in 100 g of selected products:

– rapeseed-soy oil – 10 g
– rapeseed oil – 8 g
– soy oil – 6,5 g
– wheat-germ oil – 5,5 g

These are the richest sources of the a-Linolenic acid, but there are more. The ALA acid can also be found in linseed, walnuts, kale, spinach or broccoli.

The DHA and EPA omega 3 acids, on the other hand, can be found in animal-based products. The biggest amounts of these valuable compounds can be found in saltwater fish.

The richest sources of the DHA and EPA acids are:

– fresh salmon
– smoked mackerel
– sardines in oil
– trout
– salted herring
– fresh mackerel

Due to high content of heavy metals and other contaminations, it is not recommended to consume such sources of DHA and EPA acids as halibut, white tuna, Atlantic cod, golden perch or swordfish.

Are supplements containing omega 3 acids necessary?

You already know what has the most omega 3 acids. That knowledge, however, is sometimes not enough – as in most cases we choose refined oils, and also don’t consume enough fish. Which is why the most effective way to get enough supply of omega 3 acids is supplementation. It is very important, considering the large influence of omega 3 acids on the body. One should not put supplementation away until noticing the symptoms of omega 3 acid deficiency, such as dry skin, fatigue, memory and concentration disorders, heart diseases, inflammations, allergies. It is the best to supplement omega 3 acids preventively – because usually we can’t see more obscure symptoms of the omega 3 acids deficiency, and in the meantime we’ll develop multiple diseases of affluence.

The recommended dose of omega 3 acids that should be taken with a supplement is about 1 g. It’s a good idea, though, to choose a supplement that contains carefully selected fish oil, free from pollutions. Such supplement in form of capsules will effectively provide the right proportions of omega 3 acids. It makes it possible to lower the triglyceride level by 40%, lower the risk of heart attack by as much as 70%, and the risk of coronary heart disease – by 40%. It’s hard to argue with this kind of facts – omega 3 acid preparations are among the healthiest supplements that can expand the daily diet with these valuable nutrients.

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