Supplementation with omega 3 acids

Supplementation with omega 3 acidsThe omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients that have been revealing their amazing form to us for the past couple of years. We keep learning more and more about their health-promoting properties, as well as consequences of the deficiency of them. It turns out that increased prevalence of many diseases of affluence might be dictated by not consuming enough omega 3 acids. Which shows there is no shortage of reasons to make sure to regularly supplement those compounds – it is hard to find any downsides to such supplementation, and the benefits arising from it cannot be overestimated.

Omega 3 acids – why are they so important?

Omega 3 acids are unsaturated fatty acids. They are essential for proper functioning of the body as well as maintaining physical and mental capacity. Most of all – they constitute one of the key building ingredients of cell membranes, which means they condition the proper structure and functioning of the body’s cells.

The influence of omega 3 on health is very comprehensive and it covers things like:

– anti-inflammatory properties (especially during rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus or psoriasis)
– supporting the functioning of the cardiovascular system: omega 3 acids have anticoagulant properties, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease or a stroke; they reduce the prevalence of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack
– maintaining the correct posture
– beneficial influence on hair, skin and nails
– supporting the functioning of the nervous system
– reducing the prevalence of cancer, especially breast, color or prostate cancer
– supporting fetal development

It therefore turns out that omega 3 acids should not be treated equally with saturated acids, which – when consumed in excess – might make the state of health worse. There is no such concern when it comes to omega 3 acids – unsaturated fatty acids should be treated as the best form of preventive care.

Supplementation with omega 3 acids

Supplements containing omega 3 acids are preparations that can be used by each of us. In order for omega 3 acids to have a positive impact on health, it is important to have both sufficient supply of them and the right omega 6 to omega 3 acids ratio. The diet of an average European, however, doesn’t have enough omega 3 acids, and too much of omega 6. Which is why supplementation with omega 3 acids is so important.

According to the World Health Organization, the recommended consumption of unsaturated fatty acids should be no lower than 12 – 18 g a day, and omega 3 acids should make 1,5 – 2 g a day. The most optimal proportions between the omega 6 and omega 3 acids, however, are 2:1 – 4:1. If we’re not sure if we’re getting enough omega 3 acids, it’s a good idea to start supplementing them. The preparations of this kind can be chosen by anyone who simply takes good care of their health.

There are special indications for supplementing omega 3 acids:

– pregnancy
– cancer prevention
– diagnosed cardiovascular system diseases or belonging to a risk group (excess weight, family history of heart diseases)
– autoimmune diseases (especially psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus)
– blue-collar or white-collar job
– physical activity
– lowered immunity
– childhood and old age
– allergies
– impaired vision
– lipid imbalance – too many triglycerides and lipids in blood
– low-fat diet

Omega 3 acids as a diet supplement – which are the best?

The supplement market has no shortage of those of them containing omega 3 acids. How to choose the best one? First of all – one has to estimate the quality to price ratio. Picking the cheapest supplement is usually equal to supplementation using a low-quality preparation. Which makes it a good idea to choose omega 3 acids of the top quality – and pay a little more; because why save money on own health, right?

A valuable omega 3 acid supplement is one that contains both EPA and DHA acids. Their combined content should reach few hundred mg in a capsule. In such case two capsules a day is enough to get an optimal supply of these valuable fatty acids. The method of obtaining omega 3 acids is also very important – their best source is high-quality fish oil, the valuable ingredients of which are obtained using molecular distillation. The oil should be free from any undesired contaminations, such as toxins or heavy metals.

The most desirable form of an omega 3 acid supplement is capsules – they get digested fast and make it possible to contain as little processed fish oil within their shell as possible. It is also important for the preparation’s formula to be free from any added synthetic substances – they might interfere with absorption of the omega 3 acids and have a negative impact on the body.

Regular supplementation of DHA and EPA fatty acids is a perfect way to prevent diseases of affluence and slow down the aging processes in the body. We need omega 3 acids at every stage of our lives – from the fetal development, to the childhood and adulthood, all the way to the old age. To ensure that our body is never short on those valuable health-promoting compounds – it is the best to choose a high-quality omega 3 diet supplement.

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