Where to buy zinc? Choose Cheers brand zinc!

where to buy zincZinc is a trace element that isn’t present in the body in large quantities. The average zinc content is about 2 g, and the greatest deposits of this element can be found in the prostate glands and sperm, skin, nails and hair, as well as eye tissues. That’s why zinc deficiency in the body mostly manifests itself through falling hair, skin inflammations and brittle nails, lowered libido and fertility as well as impaired vision. Zinc is not a very available element in the diet, plus plenty of factors limits the absorption of this element from the digestive tract. That’s why about 30% of people suffer from zinc deficiency – and that’s why each of us should remember to supplement it. Where to buy zinc of the highest quality?

Why do we need to supplement zinc?

Zinc is an element that regulates activity of over 300 enzymes, supporting numerous metabolic processes and synthesis of nucleic acids. It shows its great role in the body and the serious results of its deficiency. The basic source of zinc should be the diet, but it turns out to be insufficient. The first reason is not consuming enough seafood or fish, which provide this element. Another cause is the influence of factors limiting the absorption of zinc from the diet. We’re talking about things like fiber and phytic acid contained in legumes and grains, as well as commonly taken medications. Which makes us unable to get about 10 mg of zinc daily – this is the body’s requirement for this element.

Zinc is needed by small children, as it conditions growth and puberty processes. Adults need zinc to ensure proper functioning of the entire body and to maintain fertility. Old people, on the other hand, owe strong bones, functioning brain and sharp eye to this element. In order to be able to always make use of the health-promoting properties of zinc, it’s a good idea to enhance the diet with supplements.

Zinc supplements – which will be the most effective?

When choosing a zinc supplement, it’s a good idea to focus on the quality, which of course will be reflected in the preparation’s price. How to find the top quality zinc? It is necessary to analyze the compositions. Pay attention to lacks of any synthetic additions – a preparation should only contain zinc, as well as additional active substances, like magnesium or vitamin B6. Zinc and other active substances should be easy to absorb – and the easiest to absorb are the organic forms. One perfectly bioavailable form is zinc citrate that can be absorbed in nearly 90%.

Another important thing is the dose of zinc – it is recommended to take at least 10 mg of zinc, as that’s the daily requirement for this element. If zinc is available in organic form, nearly all of the provided dose will be used by the body. Sadly – most of preparations with zinc are inferior quality preparations, containing non-organic forms of zinc with limited absorption rate. On top of that, it is hard to find preparations that are free from preservatives, colorings and aromas. Luckily we can choose a great quality preparation that contains zinc and magnesium and vitamin B6 as well – and all of that in premium quality. Where to buy the best zinc of all the available preparations? At the Cheers store.

Organic zinc – the Cheers store

The Cheers brand is a Polish company that offers premium brand preparations. It means that the composition of diet supplements is composed according to the clean label rule – which is still a rarity in health-promoting preparations. The Cheers supplements contain only natural vitamins and minerals of high absorption level, the composition of which is free from synthetic additives. The capsule’s casing is made without added gelling agents, which makes the preparations suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

At the Cheers store you can buy the top quality ZMB6 preparation that contains magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6. The Cheers offer also covers the best natural vitamin C, vitamin B complex, omega 3 acids, a multivitamin preparation for day and for night, a strong hair formula and vitamin D3 + K2 – all of the best quality, ensuring effective supplementation and safety of use.

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