Why is our diet deficient in omega 3?

diet deficient in omega 3Everyone who cares about their and their family’s health is likely to be focused on getting all the valuable nutrients from their diet. Vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, valuable proteins and fats – these are essential for proper functioning of the body. Let’s focus on fats here – which are one of the most controversial ingredients of the diet.

Some people consider their consumption to be unnecessary, limiting their presence in their diet to the minimum. Which is a mistake – as fats are essential for our immunity, hormonal balance, proper functioning of the heart. It’s not just about the amount of fats in the diet, it’s also about their quality. The least desirable are the trans fats, while the healthiest ones are considered to be the omega 3 fatty acids.

Where can we find omega 3 fats in the greatest amounts?

The typical diet is in most cases deficient when it comes to the omega 3 supply. The reason for that is the constantly decreasing consumption of fish – good quality fish is pretty expensive and often hard to come by. The kind available at many stores, on the other hand, may come from dubious fisheries, which means their consumption may be related to risk of being exposed to numerous contaminations, including heavy metals. Not to mention that every parent can confirm that fish is not among the children’s favorites.

Another valuable source of omega 3 acids is plant oils – but not all of them. First of all – we should choose more expensive unrefined oils, as only these kinds of fats that are cold pressed make a vault of nutrients. Their cheaper counterparts, submitted to refining processes, rob oils of vitamins, omega 3 acids and antioxidants. Secondly – not every plant oil contains the right omega 3 to omega 6 proportions. The best kinds of oils are linseed and rapeseed oil, whereas the least beneficial ones – the soy, sunflower or grape seed oil.

Omega 3 can also be found in avocado, nuts, flaxseed. Sadly – many people are allergic to nuts, plus such high-calorie snacks often tend to not be consumed out of fear of gaining weight. In the end, our diet may not be enough to provide the required 2 g of omega 3 a day – because that’s the minimum requirement for omega 3 fats. What to do, then? Supplement!

Fish oil or omega 3 in capsules?

The supplement market is full of preparations that contain omega 3 acids. The key to a successful supplementation is choosing a preparation of great quality. The best omega 3 on the market should be characterized by high content of these valuable fats. Now remember – we’re not talking about the total fish oil content, but the dose of omega 3 acids. Another crucial thing is the content of both key omega 3 acids – DHA and EPA. It’s also about the quality of the fish oil – it should be free from heavy metal contaminations.

Capsules are a more convenient form to take, free from the characteristic fish aftertaste. Fish oil has higher risk of oxidizing fatty acids when exposed to sun, which makes them an unstable supplement – it has to be stored in specific conditions. Capsules are durable, they can be taken anytime, plus we know we’re taking a precisely measured dose of omega 3.

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