Omega 3 acids dosage – what should the daily dose be?

omega 3 acids dosageWhen discussing the issues of healthy eating, we pay attention to the calorie count, the vitamin or mineral content. Most of us associate a healthy diet with one that doesn’t provide too much fat, which is associated with negative impact on health, gaining extra kilograms and circulatory system disorders. It turns out, however, that the negative impact on health is mostly caused by saturated trans fats, which are present in processed foods and fried meals. There are fats, however, with proven health-promoting properties, which should definitely be included in the daily diet – these are omega 3 acids. Their requirement can be covered by a balanced diet and supplementation.

Omega 3 acids – the healthiest fats

Unsaturated fatty acids are one of the healthiest elements of a diet, showing plenty of health-promoting properties. They are not ingredients to ignore – the deficiency of omega 3 acids leads to development of many diseases of affluence, impairs functioning of heart and brain, lowers immunity.

It might lead to development of serious complications:

– arteriosclerosis
– heart rate disorders
– blood clotting disorders
– lowered immunity
– memory and concentration disorders
– excess weight
– increased blood cholesterol level
– higher risk of getting cancer
– development of allergies
– dry skin, weakened hair and nails
– impaired vision
– weakened bones

It might be possible that the growing prevalence of diseases of affluence results from insufficient supply of omega acids. We’re talking about both omega 3 and omega 6 acids – whereas the former is considered to be more desirable. Besides consuming the right amounts of omega 3 and 6 acids, the right proportions are also crucial to health. The most optimal omega 3 to omega 6 ratio is 1:2 – 1:4. The average diet doesn’t have enough omega acids, and when they do appear – it is mostly omega 6 acids. That’s why most emphasis has to be put on providing adequate doses of omega 3 acids. And how much of them do we need? What is the optimal dosage of omega 3 acids?

Our body’s requirement for omega 3 acids

The entire requirement for unsaturated fatty acids is about 12 to 18 g daily. When it comes to omega 3 acids, however, it’s 1,5 to 2 g daily. That’s the minimal requirement of course – it won’t hurt to take even twice that much of omega 3 acids. In such case, on top of preventing the deficiency of it, we will also provide ourselves with a perfect prevention of many disorders. It has a huge significance in the age of constant stress, environmental pollution, obesity, constantly growing prevalence of heart diseases and cancer.

Is it possible to get the recommended daily dose of omega 3 acids from the diet?

The highest omega 3 acids content in the diet is present in:

– saltwater fish
– flaxseed oil
– rapeseed oil
– walnut oil
– soy oil

In order to get the required 2000 mg of omega 3 acids, one would have to get about 100 g of fresh mackerel, 200 g of rainbow trout, 400 g of halibut in their diet everyday. However, it’s hard these days to find good quality fish, free from pollution. On top of that, we usually choose the cheaper and more available refined oils – which have much less omega 3 acids than cold-pressed non-refined oils.

When discussing the topic of diets, it’s hard not to mention products that contain a lot of omega 6 acids – in the event that they dominate in the diet, it will be necessary to increase the supply of omega 3. Products that are especially rich in omega 6 acids are: sunflower oil, corn oil, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts or avocado. Which means it might practically be pretty difficult to get about 1000 – 2000 mg of omega 3 acids a day. Which is when diet supplements come to help.

Supplements containing omega 3 acids

Supplementation with omega 3 acids is the fastest and most effective way to get large doses of omega 3 acids. It is a good idea, though, to take a moment to choose a preparation of the top quality. A supplement containing omega 3 acids should contain the top quality fish oil that is free from pollution. When analyzing the composition of a preparation, one should pay attention not only to the total oil content, but most of all – the omega 3 acid content; these values aren’t very clear, after all.

Especially beneficial for health is high content of two omega 3 fatty acids – DHA and EPA, whereas the ALA acid, mostly obtained from plant sources, is slightly less significant. Is supplementation with omega 3 acids safe? The maximum dose of omega 3 acids has not been clearly defined. A dose of omega 3 acids of around 3000 – 4000 milligrams shouldn’t have a negative impact on health. When it comes to taking higher doses of omega 3 acids there may be diarrhea, whereas in people taking anticoagulants – intensified bleeding.

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