The influence of omega 3 acids on fetal development

omega 3 acids pregnantEvery mother-to-be knows that balanced diet is crucial for proper fetal development, but also for providing a woman with an optimal state of health. Which makes it normal to carefully prepare the meal plan, as well as take the right supplements.

One of them are omega 3 acids – incredibly important for the child’s development. Their deficiency during pregnancy might have a negative impact on the fetal development, but – interestingly though – it also has a direct influence on higher chances of chronic diseases in adulthood.

Omega 3 supplementation for pregnant women is absolutely encouraged; but not just for them – women who are just planning to get pregnant should also take these capsules. Omega 3 for children is a supplementation that is recommended right from the first days of life. Why?

Omega 3 fats – important right from the conception

Right from the earliest stage of development, our body needs omega 3 acids. Most of all – to build nearly every cell in the body. Fatty acids make part of cell membranes, but also neural myelins. Nearly 30% of the brain’s mass is actually omega 3 acids. They allow the nervous system to develop properly; heart, bones and immune system also need omega 3 fatty acids. During pregnancy, omega 3 provide optimal fetal development, but they also limit the risk of premature birth.

And after the childbirth? That’s when omega 3 provide further development of the entire body.


– they support immunity, limit development of allergies or atopic skin disease
– they condition proper functioning of the nervous system and support the learning processes
– they condition proper synthesis of hormones
– they improve functioning of the heart
– they strengthen bones and joints

How to supplement omega 3 during pregnancy?

Just like with every other supplement, taking omega 3 capsules should also be consulted with a doctor. Once in a while there will be some contraindications given – most often pregnant women can supplement omega 3 without worries. The fish oil alone is sometimes hard to swallow – which makes capsules a more convenient form of supplementation: easy to take, providing precisely measured doses of omega 3.

It’s a good idea to complement supplementation with consumption of natural sources of omega 3 in the diet – fish, eggs, plant oils, avocado or nuts. That’s enough to provide the baby with the healthiest start available.

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