Potassium – using supplements

potassium supplementsPotassium is the most important electrolyte in our body and it’s responsible for proper functioning of every cell, every organ and system. It is necessary to maintain the membrane potential, and therefore the integrity of cells. On top of that, it conditions the transporting of nutrients deep into the cells. It regulates the neuromuscular conduction, supports the functioning of the brain, heart and muscles, regulates functioning of kidneys and metabolism. Potassium deficiencies are not uncommon – they arise from increased loss of potassium in the body, as well as accompanying chronic diseases.

How much potassium do we actually need? And how can we prevent a low level of this element in the body? What is the use of potassium in form of a supplement?

Potassium – health-promoting properties

Potassium is an element that is necessary for our body, a too-low or too-high level of which has a negative impact on our health. The total amount of potassium in the body is about 100 – 150 g which is deposited inside every cell of the body. The physiological potassium level in blood is 3,5 – 5,5 mmol/l. This particular electrolyte serves many important functions, especially when it comes to regulating the functioning of heart and brain. How exactly does potassium work? The way this element works is that it ensures the right electric potential of cell membranes, which makes it possible to conduct impulses. That way the nerve cells properly conduct impulses, supporting the functioning of brain and nerves. It also plays a crucial role in functioning of skeletal muscles, as well as the heart muscle. On top of that, the heart works steadily, the walls of blood vessels are tense enough, blood pressure is normalized.

Potassium has a beneficial impact on the functioning of kidneys, regulates the volume of filtered urine and volume of the water retained inside the body. It regulates metabolism, maintains the correct pH of the body, activates plenty of cellular enzymes, regulates the synthesis of insulin in the pancreas.

The best known properties of potassium as per scientific research

The biggest number of clinical tests focuses on the influence of potassium on the blood pressure values. Plenty of tests confirm that potassium supplementation has a beneficial impact on normalizing blood pressure. How exactly does potassium work? Using potassium supplements causes the arterial pressure to drop – both in people suffering from hypertension as well as those with normal pressure. Potassium supplementation also means an effective way of preventing hypertension in those who have a family history of this condition. Similar test results were achieved both in European and Americans tests on patients from different age groups.

The impact of the potassium supply on the risk of a stroke has also been determined. It should be no surprise that this relation is obvious – potassium supplementation can minimize the occurrence of stroke episodes. Just increasing the supply of this element by 400 mg daily is enough to reduce the stroke-induced mortality by as much as 40%. Including a supplementation of 1000 mg daily, on the other hand, causes the risk of a stroke to drop by more than 10%.

Further tests determined a close relation between a low potassium level in the body (hypokalaemia) and increased risk of developing diabetes. The level being too low means lowered insulin synthesis and limited sensitivity of cells to its action – which is the fastest way to develop hyperglycemia and diabetes.

Other scientifically proven properties of potassium are the impact of a low potassium level on developing coronary heart disease or arrhythmia.

The action of potassium in supplements

The daily potassium requirement in an adult is about 4700 mg. The requirement can increase, however, if there’s an excessive loss of potassium in the body. We’re especially talking about diarrhea, vomiting, taking diuretics or laxatives, intense physical activity and excessive sweating. In such cases, it is necessary to increase the amount of potassium taken – and the most convenient way is to do this using supplements. Of course it is a good idea to think about a potassium rich diet, but supplements make it possible to take the exact specified dose of this element fast.

The most potassium is contained in the following products:

– cocoa
– beans
– peas
– soy
– poppy seeds
– parsley leaves
– nuts, seeds and kernels

That’s why you should consume as much of them as possible – it’s a good idea to expand such diet with supplementation. Preparations that contain potassium should provide at least few hundred mg of potassium daily. It is the best when potassium is present in an easy to absorb, organic form – such as potassium citrate. In most cases, this particular electrolyte is available in form of pills – it is better, though, to look for it in form of capsules. Such form of the supplement is much easier to digest and absorb.

When to choose potassium? Using a supplement is recommended in case of:

– preventing potassium deficiencies
– family history of cardiovascular diseases
– diagnosed hypertension
– intense physical activity
– diarrhea or vomiting
– insulin treatment for diabetes
– taking diuretics or laxatives
– low-potassium or high-sodium diet

Potassium supplementation that follows recommendations is safe and constitutes a valuable prevention of many illnesses of the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular or urinary systems. Which makes it a good idea to consider potassium capsule supplementation and enjoy great well-being.

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