Support strength and endurance training with omega 3 acids

omega 3 trainingIf you do sports regularly then you’re certainly aware how important it is to properly compose the diet. It doesn’t matter if you workout to lose weight, improve your body’s performance or gain muscle mass – you always have to provide yourself with ingredients that nourish muscles, support their regeneration, prevent inflammations and strengthen heart. You can get all that by supplementing omega 3 acids.

Omega 3 in sports

An athlete’s diet is composed in a way that provides the right amount of calories, but also micro – and macro-nutrients. No matter how much fat your diet provides – you have to take care of the right omega 3 supply. At the same time you should limit consumption of saturated fatty acids, as the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is crucial for our body’s health. What can you expect by providing yourself with the right amounts of it?

Omega 3 alleviate inflammations, which is especially important in case of strength sports. A strength training generates microdamages of muscles and local inflammations, and restoring these damaged muscle fibers forms the basis of developing muscle mass. Providing large amounts of omega 3 while limiting the supply of omega 6 alleviates inflammations and supports muscle regeneration. Another benefit of taking omega 3 is strengthening bones and joints. What is the influence of omega 3 on joints? It limits inflammations and degenerative lesions, it limits injuries.

Omega 3 are essential for proper functioning of heart and brain. How does this impact workouts? Omega 3 strengthen heart and normalize blood pressure, improve the motor coordination, increase the body’s performance. On top of that, they constitute a great source of energy. Thanks to regularly using an omega 3 fatty acids diet supplement people who do strength trainings and those into cardio trainings alike will increase their body performance and take comprehensive care of their health.

How much of omega 3 do athletes need?

The average requirement for omega 3 is 2 g. Athletes, however, need more of these unsaturated fatty acids. A research by American scientists has shown that taking 3 g of omega 3 a day increases the results of training, limits soreness and lowers the level of inflammations.

Omega 3 can be provided through the diet and supplements. The food sources are fish, cold pressed plant oils, flaxseed, nuts. Such diet provides plenty of omega 3, but also omega 6 – plus many of these products are pretty calorie-dense, and not every athlete can afford such diet. That’s why athletes are so fond of diet supplements – Omega 3 Gold and other omega 3 acid capsules. It’s a good idea to take them together with meals or after workouts – but it is not recommended to take capsules before workouts.

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